Last year, the SQL Azure Virtual Chapter Leader, Scott Klein met with Paula Emery, Senior Product Marketing Manager for Azure at Microsoft, who expressed an interest in our group and assisting us with improving our membership and visibility. She also invited our committee members to join a premier SQL Azure Influencer group that was being started in the US called SAGO - SQL Azure Gurus Online.
SAGO is a small, informal community of dedicated and influential peers of Microsoft partners who are experts in SQL Azure. Microsoft discovered a gap between broad-based user group activities and MVP level of recognition and created SAGO to fill that gap by providing red carpet access to the SQL Azure (and, as needed, Windows Azure) product groups. This group participates in regular meetings with Microsoft to share best practices, get information on upcoming releases and offers, and provides insights about SQL Azure to Microsoft. The community is meant for mutual benefit to help SAGO members build their SQL Azure business and knowledge, and help Microsoft understand more quickly how to adapt and ignite the SQL Azure business.
As a member of this group I encourage any current or upcoming SQL Azure users to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the product.
I am an avid follower of SQL Azure and recently I wrote a book on SQL Azure. I wonder if you would provide links to my web site which has a large number of posts on SQL Azure.
Sure not a problem.
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