Why I started a T-SQL Tuesday Topics list!

Next month I will be hosting the T-SQL Tuesday blog party so I decided to start planning early. While making a list of possible topics, I realised that this event has been running for over two years and I possibly have topics listed that were already used.

To avoid repeating a topic I decided to perform a logical and time consuming activity - search for all the T-SQL Tuesday's topics. Luckily I started from the last one (No. 28) and came across Jan 2012 post (No. 26) created by David Howard (Blog | Twitter) which had a list of the first 25 topics and saved me from a long search process (Thanks David).

But why did I start the post? I thought a list of the past topics will be useful for the same reason why I started looking for all the past topics – to avoid repeating topics in the future. Also if someone is looking for information on a topic he could find a large number of resources by visiting the links posted in the host's comments section. These are just two reasons that I could think of off the top of my head but I am sure there are other benefits. Since this list doesn't currently exist (to my knowledge) and I haven't done any community activity for a while I decided to create it: T-SQL Tuesdays Topics.


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