Online Presentation for the Data Architecture Virtual Chapter

This Thursday at 12:00 pm Central Time (2:00 pm in Trinidad ) I will be presenting, 'T-SQL Tips and Tricks' for the Data Architecture VC.

Session abstract:
Queries are running longer than expected? Your database server isn't performing as well as it should? There are many reason that this could be happening and one of them is the T-SQL being executed on the system. T-SQL offers various ways to get the information that you need but sometimes the option you choose might return the data that you want but may not be the best query structure or logic to use.

This session will share insight on how basic query structure and logic works so you can avoid wasting too much time on trial and error when writing queries. It will also show you some tips and tricks to avoid some bad T-SQL coding habits and help you write better queries. This session is for Developers and Database Administrators.

To register for this online meeting or to find out more about the group and their meetings, then visit their homepage.


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