PASS Summit 2017 - The Good and Bad News

The Good news
After seven (7) years of submitting and attending PASS Summit, this was the first year that I was selected as a presenter. It was a super awesometastic feeling (awesome + fantastic - copyright pending) when I got the email and I think it left me in shock for so long that I  forgot to post it on social media after PASS announced it on the summit site.

The Bad News
Right now I am supposed to be somewhere up in the air heading to Seattle (my second home), however I am here on the ground in Trinidad (my first home) thinking about how much this situation sucks. Two weeks ago I found out that I had a medical condition that could impact my trip and then based on how I felt the last few days, I decided to not take the chance of flying in my condition and hence I gave up my first opportunity to speak at the event.
The Good News part 2
The medical condition isn't going to kill me and I should be recovering sometime this week. Once I recover I have a list of events that I plan to be presenting at during November 2017 so look out for that blog post next week.

I want to thank the PASS Members and Teams - Directors, HQ members, committee members, volunteers and everyone affiliated for everything they do to ensure that a PASS Summit occurs every year and thank you for the opportunity to present at it this year. To the attendees, my sincerest apologies for my last minute cancellation and I will be able to make up for it next year (once I am lucky to be selected again).

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Mobile Reporting Session Recap

I would like to thank everyone who took the time to attend our 'Breakfast with Experts' event earlier this week.

During the first part of the event – Mobile Reporting, attendees were able to learn about the new and improved features of Reporting Services 2016 and how it can be used with Power BI for either cloud or on-premises environments. I also conducted a live demo showcasing Microsoft SQL Server Mobile Report Publisher and how it can be used to build sample reports with two data sets for a tablet and mobile phone. Attendees were then able to view sample reports via my Windows Phone Power BI application to get a clear idea of the end-user mobile experience.

If you are interested in learning more about Reporting Services 2016 and Mobile Reporting then check out the new Wrox book - Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services and Mobile Reports.

Introduction to SoftwareOne

Reviewing SQL Server 2016

Viewing reports on a mobile device

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Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services and Mobile Reports

A few weeks ago, Wrox Publishers released their book entitled Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services and Mobile Reports written by Paul Turley (B|T), an independent BI consultant and trainer, owner of Intelligent Business LLC and Mentor for SolidQ.

Paul asked me to be the technical editor for this book based on our previous collaboration for the 2012 version. I know that he took a lot of time and effort to ensure that this book delivered useful and relevant information for anyone looking to upgrade or leverage Reporting Services 2016 in their production environment.

Reviewing twenty-two (22) chapters while dealing with changes from SQL Server 2016 RC3 to RTM was definitely a challenge but it was also a great learning experience. I am greatly appreciative of this opportunity that Paul and Wrox has given me and I look forward to future collaborations with them.
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SQL Server 2016 - Mobile Reporting session

SoftwareOne will be hosting a breakfast event next Tuesday 28th March where I will be presenting on Mobile Reporting. During this session, I will demonstrate how to create and publish Reporting Services Mobile Reports using the Mobile Report Publisher, PowerBI and SQL Server 2016. For additional details and registration info, please review the invitation below:
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